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António Costa Valente

He is a director and producer whose films have won awards at festivals in five continents.

He produced and codirected the first feature film in Portuguese animation, “Até ao Tecto do Mundo”, which won awards in the USA and Canada.

He has produced more than one and a half hundred films that have been distinguished and screened at festivals, cinemas, countries and in very diverse cultures. With more than five hundred awards, these films mark a Portuguese cinema produced far from the capital.

With a doctoral thesis in animation cinema, he teaches at the University of the Algarve, where he is also a researcher at CIAC – Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação. A guest lecturer at various higher education institutions, he was director of the Theater and Cinema Department at ESAP – Escola Superior Artística do Porto.

He is a director of the “Cine-Clube de Avanca” and has actively participated in the associative movement around cinema. He is currently Secretary for Europe of the International Federation of Film Clubs and national coordinator of “INPUT-TV”, an international conference that annually brings together public television stations from all over the world on different continents.

Editor of the “International Journal of Cinema”, in his latest book “Chapiteau de Filmes”, he discusses the journey of the films he has produced in Avanca.

He has been running the AVANCA Film Festival since 1997, the scientific conference AVANCA|CINEMA since 2010 and coordinates the “Prémio Eng.º. Fernando Gonçalves Lavrador”, awarded annually to the best international research in the field of cinema.

Mário Branquinho

He has a degree in Social Sciences and a master’s degree in Artistic Animation. Founder and former director of CineEco – International Environmental Film Festival of Serra da Estrela (1995 – 2022). Honorary member and founder of the Green Film Network (GFN), an international network of environmental film festivals based in Innsbruck (Austria). He has been a jury member at various film festivals in Portugal and abroad. He coordinated the organization of the 1st and 2nd International Forum of Environmental Film Festivals at CineEco in Seia in 2018 and 2019 and the 6th GFN Award at CineEco in Seia in 2019. He organized short film exhibitions on the theme of water at the World Water Forum in Brasilia (2018) and Dakar (2022). He has participated as a speaker at several international conferences on environmental cinema. He is a founding member of the Seia Film Club (2015-2024) and is the author of the book “Cinema Ambiental em Portugal – Filmes do mundo, em 25 anos de CineEco, Seia, 1995-2020” (2022). He worked at Seia City Council as a senior technician, where he was the programmer of the Municipal House of Culture. Since December 2022, he has been the general and programming director of the Caldas da Rainha Cultural and Congress Center.

Tiago Afonso

He studied direct cinema (doc), cinema and audiovisual, documentary and photography, contemporary art.

As a director, he has been programmed in Brazil, Italy, France, Croatia, Slovenia and Spain. In Portugal at Doclisboa, Caminhos do Cinema Português, Porto/Post/Doc, Festival Luso-Brasileiro, Cortex, Indie Lisboa, Curtas de Vila do Conde, among others. His last film was the documentary “Dystopia”, which won awards at DocLisboa and Porto/Post/Doc.

As a cameraman, assistant director, sound assistant and editor, he has worked with Rodrigo Areias, Edgar Pêra, Saguenail, Catarina Alves Costa, Paulo Rocha, among others.

He taught directing for seven years, among other subjects, at the Lusófona University in Porto, and has given dozens of intensive film training courses in various contexts, such as prisons, social housing estates, municipal theaters, universities, museums…

He has exhibited videos in galleries in Porto, Coimbra, Brussels, Kiev, Vienna and Berlin, among other cities.

He lives and works in Porto.